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Boutwell Fay

Solving the puzzle of ERISA and employee benefits

For over 30 years, the founding partners of Boutwell Fay have been leading businesses to effectively translate the often-complex nuances of the law into plain speak. We are a nationally recognized ERISA law firm with an unquenchable thirst to continue to learn, share, and deeply care for clients.

Practice Areas

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Qualified Retirement Plans

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Health & Welfare / HIPAA / COBRA / ACA/
Fringe Benefits

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Plan Mistakes and Corrections 

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 Employee Benefits in Mergers & Acquisitions

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Contracts/Benefit Claims & Disputes/QDROS

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Benefits for Tax-Exempt & Governmental Organizations

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Fiduciary Duties and Governance


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Executive Compensation/Non-Qualified Plans/Stock Option & Incentive Plans

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