01. Criminal Law
Property Disputes and Personal Injury
01. Criminal Law
Property Disputes and Personal Injury
Evan Giller

Evan was drawn to becoming an attorney by the prospect of working for organizations that serve the community. Over 35 years ago he combined that goal with his interest in the growing field of employee benefits and he began advising non-profit and governmental employers on their benefit plans. This has been the focus of his practice ever since.
Evan works with a wide variety of employers on employee benefit issues, with particular emphasis on 403(b) plans, 401(a) plans, 457 plans, and other deferred compensation arrangements. He assists his clients in addressing all aspects of their benefit plans, including plan design, drafting of documents, plan administration, plan corrections, fiduciary responsibility, and IRS and Department of Labor examinations. From his years of working with non-profits and governments, Evan is familiar with the specific challenges and issues they face, and he works with his clients to provide solutions that are tailored to those needs.
In addition to advising employers, Evan also works with retirement plan service providers on issues related to the products and services that they offer their clients, including on the use of annuity products and general plan administration.
Evan speaks frequently on issues relating to the retirement plans of tax-exempt organizations and governments and among other writing on the subject is a contributing author to the 403(b) Answer Book.
Representative Speeches and Publications
“Fiduciary Issues for Section 403(b)Annuity and Custodial Plans.” Giller, Evan. American Bar Association, 9 Apr.2021
“The New World of 403(b) Plan Documents: Getting Your 403(b) Plan into Compliance and Keeping It There.” Giller, Evan. NIPA 2020
NAFE Amplified, Aug. 2020.
“SEPs & SIMPLEs: A Primer for TPAs.” Giller, Evan. National Association for Female Executives, 12 Aug. 2020
"More Strange but True Tales of 403(b) Plans (Part II)." Giller, Evan. Western Pension & Benefits Council 28 May 2020
Strange but True Tales of 403(b) Plans, What Makes Them Different (Part I) Western Pension & Benefits Council, 24 Oct. 2019
“403(b) Plan Documents.” Giller, Evan. New York State Association of Independent Schools Business Affairs Conference, 2 May 2019
1980, US District Court, Southern District of NY and Eastern District of New York.
University of Buffalo Law School, J.D., 1978
State University of New York at Binghamton, BA, 1974
American Bar Association, Tax Section
Community Mediation Services, Inc. – Board Member (2012-2021)
New York City Bar Association, member, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Committee
New York State Bar Association