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Sherrie Boutwell to Speak at DC Plans: 2024 Update and Hot Topics for 2025

Please join us on Tuesday, September 24th!

Sherrie Boutwell will be speaking about "DC Plans: 2024 Update and Hot Topics for 2025" at the Western Pension & Benefits Council San Diego Chapter Meeting.

She will be covering the latest "hot" topics, including: Secure 2.0 – where are we? MEPS, PEPS, and GoPs Forfeitures Other “hot” topics.

Sherrie Boutwell to Speak at DC Plans: 2024 Update and Hot Topics for 2025


Boutwell Fay LLP

For over 20 years, the attorneys and other professionals at Boutwell Fay have been successfully solving the complex legal puzzles in the areas of employee benefits and ERISA. We have a federal practice in all 50 states.

We are a nationally recognized ERISA law firm with an unquenchable thirst to continue to learn, share, and deeply care for clients.


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